How it works

Private, compliant, no sign up

Swap, Send, BridgeSeamlessly navigate the cryptoverse with private swaps, secure sends, and efficient cross-chain bridge transfers.
Opimized RatesOur advanced aggregation engine identifies the most cost-effective pathways for your transactions, ensuring you get the best bang for your buck.
No Wallet ConnectEnhanced security starts with not needing to connect your wallet directly. Simply initiate your transaction, and takes care of the rest.
Cross-chainWe cater to a diverse array of blockchains, offering you ultimate flexibility in managing your crypto portfolio. More coming soon.

Why privacy matters:

Financial Exposure:

Publicly visible wallet addresses reveal your entire holdings and transaction history, akin to flashing your bank account statements to everyone.

Security Risks:

This exposure opens doors to targeted attacks, phishing scams, and unwanted scrutiny.

Confidentiality Erosion:

Financial transactions deserve discretion, just like traditional banking. safeguards your financial privacy, shielding you from prying eyes.

Targeted Attacks:

When your wallet's contents are public knowledge, you become a bigger target for malicious actors. keeps your crypto movements cloaked in privacy.

Immutable Transparency:

Blockchain transactions are permanently etched in stone. disconnects the dots, shrouding your past transactions in the anonymity you deserve.

The Power of Privacy

Private Transaction

Your transaction is a solo act, visible only to you. The sender and receiver remain hidden, shrouded in a veil of anonymity.

Semi-private transactions

Seeking a balance between privacy and speed? Opt for semi-private transactions, offering enhanced obscurity compared to public exchanges.

Privacy coin bridge

Cross-chain transfers get a privacy upgrade with's unique bridging technology, ensuring your assets travel discreetly across different blockchains.

Multi-send efficiency

Manage multiple transactions in a single, streamlined process. Save time and effort with simultaneous sends, swaps, and bridges.

24/7 support

Our dedicated team is always here to answer your questions and troubleshoot any issues. Rest assured, you're never alone on your journey with Embrace the whisper. – where your crypto transactions find their voice.

24/7 support